Wildly, Slowly, Freely is a North Star. It is a vision for a future we have the power to create.
In 2023, Ashley Gordon, Author and Founder of Wildly, Slowly, Freely, jotted down an idea for a story she had after a meditation session. That story would soon turn into her first children’s book, Many Shells Along the Way, released in 2024. Needing to market her book, but not having an online social presence at the time, Ashley joined Instagram and made her username wildly.slowly.freely as it was the best term that encompassed how she wanted to live her life. What started out as a way to market her book turned into something so much more. Wildly, Slowly, Freely is a space for people on a journey towards just that - for those who wish to break free from societal expectations about what you are supposed to do and how you are supposed to do it. Whether through homesteading, homeschooling, writing, reading, exploring, or creating, there is a large community of people out there who are shirking the status quo in favor of a life that is lived on their own terms - those who wish to embrace the wild, to live slowly, and to be free. This is a place for those people - to help them share the stories in their hearts, to find one another, and to lead the revolution.
For those who question everything.
For so long we’ve been told to go to work, keep our heads down, eat the food we are given, watch what is put in front of us, and not question or challenge the way things are. For too long this has robbed us of the ability to live a full, meaningfully connected life with those we love and the things we love. This movement is about more than just having chickens and avoiding artificial dyes; it is about getting to enjoy our lives while we have the chance, to feel deeply connected to the world around us and the people in it, to believe in and fight for a better world that is led by love and appreciation rather than profits and corruption.